Where to Find a Legitimate Online Paid Survey Program

Legitimate online paid survey programs certainly do exist but finding one can be a chore, especially if your trying to find a legitimate online paid survey on your own without any advice.

The first thing to look for, and that most legitimate online paid survey programs have, is a money back guarantee.

The second thing I would look for is a contact of some kind.

Also try to find out on the site how long the site has being established.
There are several new legitimate online paid survey programs but if your wanting to be on the safe side stick to the 18 month rule.
There are two kinds of scams with the free paid survey sites

The sites will usually shut fairly quickly.
They will take a huge percentage of each survey you do meaning each survey you complete is for a very small amount of money.
I feel the best way of avoiding these scams is simply to avoid free paid survey sites altogether, I can see the temptation but to me it isn't worth the risk and there are only small one off sign up fees involved with the legitimate online paid survey programs and don't forget they will have a money back guarantee anyway.
I would suggest you do some research or find a site that has done the research for you and if you do I have little doubt you will be completing your very first legitimate online paid survey very soon.
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