What To Look For In A Paid Survey Site

And no wonder, because the research companies are making lots of money and you as a survey taker can make lots of money as well.
Here are some qualities you can use to evaluate paid survey sites.
Size stability and durability.
Paid survey sites can come and go, but the good ones tend to stay.

Does the site provide regular updates? This is important if you want to be informed about the newest and best survey companies or other opportunities.
Does the site charge for access to its list? Don't EVER pay for access to information that is freely available, it's a waste of your hard earned money and unnecessary.
They are just looking to get your email address.

See how many companies are on their list and how easy the site is to navigate.
Set up a separate email account for your paid survey business.
Use that email for all of your paid survey applications.
Do your part.
Now you have to visit each paid survey site yourself and apply.
Don't hesitate, just do it.
Check your email daily for new survey invitations.
Some surveys are time dependent and you'll wan to respond to them as quickly as possible.
Being good at completing the surveys marks you as a good survey taker and the paid survey companies will respond by sending you more and better paying surveys.
Be patient, it will take time to build momentum.
Just like a normal job, the survey companies want to know that you are reliable and dependent before they send you their best offers.
I've been following these rules for about two years and I can tell you that they do work.
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