Paid Survey Guide for Beginners

Remember do NOT pay anyone to do paid online surveys whatsoever.

You will get lot of emails and you need a separated email address for survey invitation emails.

Many of survey sites offer their payment via Paypal.

Remember legitimate paid survey companies are FREE to join and have strict privacy policies (You will not get spams).
Tips on avoiding scams:

* If you come cross a new survey site, please be sure to check privacy policy.
The later sometimes say they are survey sites, in fact they are not.

* Stay away from the websites promoting known scam or spam "survey" sites - usually those sites claim they have a list of 300 or 400+ paid survey sites (in fact there are not hundreds survey sites that pay! I signed up about 200 sites, but over the course of almost 3 years, only around 70 sites that have paid me or at least send me a survey!) - They are just promoting anything they can find for commissions, no matter its scam or spam.
Tips on doing surveys:

* Be honest with your personal profile information when sign up with survey companies;

* Response survey invitations quickly.

You want to have prove for your participation when there is a problem.
Finally you have to be patient.
It takes a while to get paid since most survey sites have minimum payout requirement and it takes time for them to process payment.
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