Free Legitimate Paid Survey Directories - Are They REALLY Free?

Remembering TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!) you are likely to ask yourself, "Are these really real? How can they be free? What's in it for the one making the offer?"

Good questions.

You can divide survey makers, those companies who make legitimate paid surveys, into three categories: straightforward, indirect (smoke and mirrors) and devious imitators.
If your goal is to make money, these are the ones (the only ones) that you want to deal with.

Regular legitimate surveys, offer to compensate participants with drawings for possible future cash payouts, discounts on merchandise, and hearty handshakes.
For those who want to make money, these are time-wasters.

"Surveys" aimed at products they sell, these are really sales companies in disguise, trying to look like legitimate survey makers.

To make money, you should strenuously avoid these pesky time wasters.
, above, have low turnover, get applicants from referrals and spend very little on advertising.

Those survey makers in groups 2.
have high turnover, have to spend money in advertising and offer to pay others to recruit for them.
Usually the ones promoting the list are getting paid for each new recruit.
What is the interest of the purveyors of free legitimate paid survey directories? There is no incentive for them to see that you make money.

The survey makers who pay for recruits naturally have even less money left to pay survey takers.
Instead, go with a paid survey guide company.
, above, with which you can make money.
Such a company will have every incentive to guide you to survey makers with which you will make money.
They understand that if you don't make money, then they won't either!

With free legitimate paid survey directories, the incentives work against you and you have no recourse.
Your choice is between high risk and no control and no risk with full control.
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