Getting the List of Legitimate Paid Survey Panels That You Need to Make Money

With such a list you can sign up with the survey makers that actually pay in cash (instead of just claiming to!) and you will make money.
What are legitimate paid surveys?

Legitimate paid surveys are those that provide serious information to legitimate market researchers who are measuring consumer opinion for large company clients.

"Surveys" that require you to buy something before you can get "paid" are NOT legitimate paid surveys.

When you encounter these, recognize them for what they are, cross the name of the "survey maker" who sent it to you off your list and trash all future e-mails from them.
00 or $2.
They are at best, charity work.
The companies that send them out should assume a permanent position at the very bottom of your "to do" correspondence stack.
Legitimate paid survey companies pay you, they do not ask you to pay them.

To get a list of legitimate paid survey panels there are three approaches that will work:


For the U.
and Canada this would require 7-800 applications and 6-12 months to know for sure.
Find some good paid survey sites (membership site that maintains a list of good survey makers, sharing it with members in return for a small one-time membership fee), with a STRONG money-back guarantee, backed up by a bank or financial company such as PayPal or ClickBank.
Avoid any with refund rates that are either unknown (means high) or as high as 9-10% or more.

The low refund rate means that their recent clients were generally happy with the quality of the list of legitimate paid survey panels they received from the paid survey site.

Conversely, high refund rates mean many unhappy clients demanding their money back.
That way you will take maximum advantage of the list and make the maximum amount of money from it.
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