The Top Paid Surveys - How To Find Them, How To Make Money With Them

Almost all survey makers claim that they will pay for their surveys but only about 25-30% of them (or less) actually pay participants in cash or equivalent.
They don't need to.
They have low turnover and word-of-mouth promotion is all that many use.
They have to, since they are always losing participants.

So when you surf the Net looking for survey makers to sign up with, hoping to find the top paid surveys, you will mostly encounter ads and promo deals for those survey makers who will, at best, just waste your time.

A good, serious, paid survey site will have a strong money-back guarantee, backed up by a financial entity, and a low refund rate under that guarantee.

If worse comes to worst, you won't lose any money.
 A low refund rate means that their clients were satisfied with the value of the services provided.

Look for a strong 60-90 day money back guarantee backed by a bank or financial company such as PayPal or ClickBank.
Avoid any paid survey site with a refund rate that is either unknown or is at or above 9.

Then, in your quest to find the top paid surveys, you will then have positioned yourself to have control and recourse, with these advantages:

The paid survey site that you selected will have to prove to you the value of its services in order to keep the fee you paid.

Now, to maximize your income, you will need to maximize the number of good survey makers that have your application to be a future survey participant, on file.

For more information about the top paid surveys, follow the links below.
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