There are of course a few scammer sites, which will ask you for some kind of payment up front to join their paid survey website, or will charge you just for giving you the information about the genuine, free to join paid survey companies.
On the other hand other survey sites will pay you good money just for spending 15 minutes answering some interesting questions about one of your favourite subjects.
It has a member base of millions of people from all around the world (predominantly Europe) and is a very well known, reputable and secure survey company.
Ciao pays around £3.
Usually you can expect to receive around 4 surveys a week, which is again a nice amount of surveys to answer.
I find that Ciao pays out whenever I request a payment, and they have never missed any of my cash-in requests or paid me incorrectly.
Paid Survey Company Global Test Market
Global Test Market, or GTM, are another very well known and reputable paid survey companies.
I found it very simple to join GTM and activate the paid surveys (by logging on and completing your basic interests profile on their website).
Sometimes I don't complete all the surveys that they send me because I don't have enough time, but GTM are fine with this and will always supply me with enough surveys.
I find that Global Test Market pays me around £4 per 20 minute survey completed, which is a really nice amount - nearly £12 an hour! I also find the surveys they send me to be interesting and entertaining.
Lightspeed Opinions Panel
Lightspeed are yet again one of the more popular paid survey companies, with millions of members currently subscribed to answer their surveys.
What I like most about Lightspeed is that they are always sending me interesting and entertaining surveys to complete, and so I actually enjoy getting paid to answer their surveys! They will sometimes survey me on the latest Hollywood movies, or on music and sports.
I haven't requested a payment from Lightspeed yet so I can't comment on their reliability in terms of sending me my earnings, though I have heard good things from other members of the site.
1 comments: on "Paid Surveys - Top 3 Paid Survey Websites"
Regarding "Lightspeed Opinions Panel" - I would like to know the exact web address you're referring to, as there are quite a few coming up if you try to search for it by that name. Thank you for quite a useful overview regarding this matter.
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