Paid Surveys Scam Warnings

One area that is proliferated with scams is the Paid Survey programs and Get Paid To (GPT) programs.

Here are a few red flags that a Paid Survey or Get Paid To site is a scam:


There are dozens of quality websites that list this exact information free.

Other sites are actual membership sites that you can join free, and immediately begin earning money by completing simple surveys and free offers.
00 to $5.

As previously stated, there are numerous websites offering this exact information free.
Again, this information is readily available online free.
Outrageous Income Claims:

Many of these Paid Survey scam sites promise outrageous income in the paid survey / GPT arena.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to make that great of an income simply filling our surveys or reviewing free offers? Although you can make extra money using these programs, the amount you make is much lower than $250 per completed survey! Usually, legitimate free paid surveys offer an average of $1.
00 per survey.
In addition, you must qualify for these surveys based on your background, age, location, etc.
Get Paid To Program Only Lists Trial Offers for Payment:

If you join a Get Paid To Program that ONLY lists free trials offers where you must join a membership or buy a product to get paid, it is recommended you cancel your membership with them.

It is recommended you spend your time with Free Paid Survey and GPT programs that list an abundance of free offers.

In conclusion, You CAN earn an extra income online with Free Paid Surveys and GPT programs, yet the main point of this article is to alert you to the Free Paid Survey Scams requiring payment for information that is readily available online for free.
If they require payment, go elsewhere.
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