Paid Surveys - Online Income or Just Hype?

Online Paid surveys are hosted by market research firms, and are an effective way to obtain consumer opinions from a wide variety of people with different backgrounds.

With annual market research spending on the rise, there has been an increased interest in using the Internet as a cost effective means to gain targeted consumer opinions.
Since that time however, several questionable sites have appeared, hyping paid surveys as a means for financial freedom, and using the concept of paid surveys to make money off the increasing number of internet users.
Many claim to have the best list, and promote online surveys as a work at home job with earnings of a $150 an hour or more to persuade you to pay their membership fees.
In addition to the pay sites, many free sites have cropped up offering directories of online paid survey panels.
The "free sites" make their earnings from affiliate earnings offered by the market research firms, and these sites can be a good way to get introduced to some of the market research firms in the industry.
These sites will sometimes send you spam, or sell your contact info to advertisers.
Sounds easy enough, but how do you find the good sites?

Well the first thing you must understand that while you can make some cash from taking online surveys, you must set reasonable expectations.
Many of the survey directory sites boast directories that contain 300 or more survey panels, and for the most part that's true.
Some of these sites are purely advertisements, others are the "get paid to try sites", others offer only sweepstakes entries for completed surveys, and the worst of all are simply other sites that are trying to advertise the same directory listings.

So lets get to the main question everyone asks, "How much can I make taking paid surveys?" Well the answer is it depends, but most people can make anywhere from $50 to $300 a month taking online surveys.
So if this sounds interesting to you keep reading.
Just be careful to avoid sites that seem suspicious.
Here are a several quality paid survey sites.
They represent over 300 marketing research firms and are considered one of the leading online panel companies in the industry.
7 million panel members.
They were established in 1994.
$2, $5, and $10 dollar surveys are very common, and they send frequent survey invitations to panel members.
The intention was to develop a global solution for companies who wish to conduct online consumer research across multiple countries.
They also accept panel members from all countries.
Each Market Point has a value of $0.
The good thing about them it is that even if you don't qualify for the survey, you get a few points for your time.
They send frequent survey invitations, with the average survey ranging from 50 to 300 points.
You must be at least 14 years of age to join.
00 to reward for online survey participation.
 For every day that you login to NFO you will get a free entry into their quarterly $10,000 sweepstakes and a free entry into their 10,000 points a day giveaway.

The main thing to remember is that taking paid surveys can be a form of extra income, and as long as you keep your expectations in line they can be a rewarding online activity.
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