Paid Survey Site - Which Is the Best One?

Let's go about this in a logical, systematic way.
The "measures of goodness" or indicators of superiority are:

All things being equal big sites with lots of clients are better than smaller ones.
Then they must have been doing something really right to stay big.
The word gets out and the paid survey site loses clients, shrinks and is not so big anymore!

If a paid survey site is increasing in size, it means that they are gaining clients and growing.
Losing size may mean that they were once good but have changed (maybe a management change or ownership change) and are now neglecting the good things that made them big in the first place.

A strong guarantee is very important.
That is not just so you can get your money back, but so that you will know that they know that they are holding your money on the condition that they perform! It means that the paid survey site is on probation, subject to proving themselves.
Of course you always have the recourse to ask your bank, the one that issued your credit card, to take the payment back because of non-performance on the part of the recipient of the funds.
, and your bank will look with some suspicion on you if it happens too often.
They give it back and look with suspicion on the paid survey site! Now the paid survey site knows that that could happen and they very much don't want it to happen.
Refund rate.
These represent the utter failures of the paid survey site to meet their client's expectations.
The refund rate should be low, in the 3-5% range.

By using these indicators and criteria, all you have to do is screen through the available candidates so you can find the best paid survey site for you.
Last year's winner can become this year's loser.
So you will need to monitor these indicators over a period of time.
They maintain statistics on the top 20 paid survey sites and update them monthly.
com has good info on refund rates for the 70 or so paid survey sites that promote through ClickBank's network.

So there you have it.
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