Paid Survey Reviews - What Should You Look For?

Most are based on general opinion.
Few offer meaningful metrics or other objective analysis aids to backup their opinions.
There is more money to be made by others who would like to participate.
Without a reliable guide, one who is on your side and will steer you where you need to go to make money, you will likely fall prey to the 80% of no-pay/low-pay survey makers.
Newbies that don't know the score and fall victim to "free lists" whose sponsors are paid to send them new recruits.
Sadly, most do not.
Survey makers amongst the 20% that offer legitimate paid online surveys that actually pay you, in reasonable amounts, on time.
There are over 700 survey makers and over 3000 worldwide.
It's a big task, but you CAN do it, if you have the patience for it.
There are over 200 paid survey membership sites that offer such lists.

The way you pick a good one is by listening to the opinions of the current and recent past clients of that site.
 This is the key metric that any paid survey review should inform you of.

Think about that when you visit any paid survey review site or read any paid survey review.
The ones who offer such good lists are paid survey sites with low refund rates.
And tells you about which paid survey sites have low refund rates, so you can get their list, make money and join their happy clients.
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