Does Paid Survey Work? Case Study

Earn $1000 - $3000 a month by filling out paid surveys! Easy way to work at home.

Doesn't this sound too good to be true? Well, your suspicions are correct.
Before I attempt to sell anything online I first review or conduct a study about the product or service.
After joining over 20 different paid survey sites and filling out a load of these "paid surveys" I discovered the following:


Most Paid Surveys are Actually Paid Out in the Form of Points and Sweepstakes Entries.
Another popular reward comes in the form of sweepstakes entries.


You Do Not Qualify for Most of the Surveys.
This can prove to be quite a waste of your time because you may have to answer loads of questions and provide your personal information only to discover that this paid survey is not available to you at the present time.
Here's another let down.

What are Companies Getting Out of Paid Surveys?

You may not realize it just yet, but paid surveys are an excellent marketing tactic.
A company offers you $25 if you take their customer review survey.
After providing your personal information, filling out a pre-qualifying survey, and finally taking the paid survey you discover that you can take the $25 now or $200 off a name-brand 42" plasma TV.
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